Social Circle image

Tired of wasting time at networking events?

With Social Circle you can easily target, connect, and get access to unlimited networking opportunities wherever you you NEVER have to waste your time again!

people networking

Grow your 'Million Dollar Network' anywhere

Connect with others that share the same mindset

Easily find, connect, and learn from mentors

networking with the wrong people

You go to networking events to meet the right people, but...

  • You always leave feeling drained & disappointed
  • You get into the event & it's filled with all the wrong people.
  • You're never sure who you're going to meet
  • You never know if anyone from your industry will be there
  • You feel that people are just trying to sell you or waste your time

But what if you could...

networking on your phone

Grow Your 'Million Dollar Network' Anywhere

See the 'business cards' of all businesses & professionals that meet your criteria and are in your area. You can also see the 'business cards' of businesses & professionals that you walk past.

Network with the right people

Connect With Others That Share The Same Mindset

You can easily add or remove the types of businesses & professionals you wish to network with. We use virtual Business Cards, to show greater insight into potential business connections, allowing you to tailor your network.

wasing time at networking events

Stop Wasting Time At Networking Events

Easily search for a specific business, profession, or group type you wish to connect with. You can even start a conversation with a potential connection directly from their "business card".

Socialize with successfull people

Socialize & Mastermind With Successful People In Your Field

See all businesses & professionals (that meet your criteria) within a designated radius of your current or user-specified location. The addition of a social media platform where you can post, comment, share, like, follow, etc. allows you to network, communicate, and mastermind in a more relaxed atmosphere.

connect with mentors in your industry

Find, Connect, And Learn From Mentors In Your Industry

The 'Business Ratings' & ‘Badge Level’ settings allow you to specify the "ratings" and ‘badge level’ of the businesses & professionals you wish to work with. Mentors can create webinars, podcasts, private groups & group chats to easily share with you. Allowing you to effortlessly find, connect, & learn from mentors in your industry.


"It's a very innovative concept that provides easier access to networking with other entrepreneurs in your desired industry."

Isaac E.

"As a therapist working in the community mental health sphere, there’s a specific set of obstacles that we have the potential of facing...This innovative app would serve as a vital link to help connect me to other mental health professionals, who understand the distinct barriers that we face within the work that we do."

Yael S.

" I was really happy to find an app that finally lets me target and network with the people I'm most interested in meeting! Great features and super easy to use."

Brad L.

Stop wasting time & money trying to network


Thats right...It's absolutley FREE!

Here's what you'll be able to do...

  • Grow your "Million Dollar Network" anywhere you are.
  • Connect with local communities of entrepreneurs & professionals who are already successful.
  • Find & grow your "tribe" by easily connecting with others that share the same mindset or outlook as you.
  • Stop "wasting" your time at pointless networking events.
  • Target, connect & socialize with successful people in your field to bounce ideas off of and mastermind with.
  • Accelerate your journey of success by finding, connecting, and learning from mentors in your industry.

How It Works

create a free account on social circle

Create your free account

Create an account by creating a username and password, or simply use your google or facebook account to log in.

add profile information for social circle app

Add your profile information

Add basic information like your name, business type/info, picture, short bio, links to portfolios etc.

search for types of bussiness to networkwith

Search for business types

Search and add the businesses, professions, and/or group types you wish to connect with. You can always change this later.

network with the right people on social circle

Start networking

Start netowrking with people who match your criteria. You can always update your criteria in the settings menu.

Why wait to network with 'the correct' people at networking events?

Easily target, connect, and get access to unlimited networking opportunities to...

  • Grow your "Million Dollar Network" anywhere you are.
  • Connect with local communities of entrepreneurs & professionals who are already successful.
  • Find & grow your "tribe" by easily connecting with others that share the same mindset or outlook as you.
  • Stop "wasting" your time at pointless networking events.
  • Target, connect & socialize with successful people in your field to bounce ideas off of and mastermind with.
  • Accelerate your journey of success by finding, connecting, and learning from mentors in your industry.
connect with local communities and create your tribe

Social Circle | Made with ❤️ in Pittsburgh, PA